When it comes to vegan dairy products, nailing the perfect flavor often means layering a few different flavors. Discover tips on how to layer flavors for an authentic and delicious result!
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Ashley Sabo – Technical Sales Specialist at Edlong
Ashley Sabo is an Technical Sales Specialist at Edlong, working in the applications lab on customer projects ranging from vegan products to categories from bakery to snacks. Ashley has a degree in Agriculture Economics from the University of Kentucky, a degree in Culinary Arts and Baking and Pastry from the College of DuPage, and is currently working toward a Master in Food Science from Washington State University. While attending the College of DuPage, Ashley was part of the culinary team that won the American Culinary Federation IL State Competition for two consecutive years. She is also a member of the RCA.
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Topics: Plant-Based Pro SeriesPlant-Based Pro SeriesPlant-Based Pro Tips
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Resource Region: USUS