Taking Your Plant-based Developments to the Next Level with Edlong’s Plant-based Pro Series™ Pro Tips

Plant-based food and beverage products have come a long way.

In less than a decade, they’ve gone from niche options for a relatively small number of consumers to diet staples for millions of people worldwide.

According to sales data from SPINS, in 2017, the plant-based market was worth around 3.9 billion USD, and by 2023, it had grown to around 8.1 billion USD.

It’s easy to see why.


In 2021, a survey found that over half (54%) of Americans aged 24-39 identified as flexitarians, and a recent study from Innova Market Insights discovered that roughly 1 in 4 (26%) of all consumers claim to follow a flexitarian diet, with nearly another quarter identifying as either vegetarian (17%) or vegan (6%).

As much as this market and its products have grown, where they’re heading is even more exciting for developers and consumers alike.

Still, as bright as the future looks for plant-based, taking products to this next level won’t be without challenges.

In fact, with 44% of consumers wanting to see improved flavor from plant-based products, achieving great taste remains the biggest challenge facing developers today and going forward.

This is where Edlong can help you become a Plant-based Pro!

By unlocking the power of our 110+ years of experience and expertise in dairy and dairy-type flavors, we can empower you to overcome even the toughest taste challenges and elevate your plant-based food and beverage creations.

As part of our ongoing mission to make plant-based everything that it can be, we are excited to announce our Plant-Based Pro Tips video series!


Over the next 13 weeks, these bite-sized videos from some of Edlong’s top R&D experts will offer valuable insights and approaches to help you create the most delicious plant-based products possible.

Make sure to mark your calendars for September 23rd for Pro Tip #1: Choose Flavor Profiles to Compliment Your Base.

Are you more of a binge-watcher? Find out how to get exclusive access to all of our Plant-Based Pro Tips at once!

Hungry for more? Check out our other Plant-Based Pro-Series™ Resources, including webinars, trend reports, and more.

About the Author: Jessa Friedrich, Marketing Director

Jessa has over 12 years of experience in Marketing as well as a Bachelor of Science and MBA in the field. She has also been a keynote speaker and hosted various roundtables at conferences speaking on the use of digital marketing and market trends to drive business growth. She has been at Edlong for over three years working her way up in the marketing department. She works with their global R&D and Sales teams to identify and explore future trends in the food and beverage industry.

Topics: Plant-BasedPlant-Based Pro SeriesPlant-Based Pro Tips
Resource Type: Article
Resource Region: EULATAMUS


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