Fat, Sugar, and Salt Reduction

Fat, Sugar, and Salt Reduction

Reducing the fat, sugar, and/or salt of your dairy, dairy-free, and plant-based applications requires specialized flavor expertise and resources. At Edlong, we use over a century of experience exclusively focused on the taste of dairy and a cultivated library of hundreds of dairy flavors that can be applied in thousands of combinations to offer the perfect solutions for your unique application development challenges, including offering the fat, sugar, and salt reduction your consumers want while delivering the authentic taste they demand.

Dairy Can Be Your Reduced Fat, Sugar, and Salt Application Solution

Edlong’s global team of dairy flavor experts is uniquely skilled at leveraging and customizing our best-in-class library of hundreds of dairy, dairy-free, and vegan flavors to develop healthy reduction solutions for your reduced fat, sugar, and salt applications. Our flavors do more than ensure your consumers won’t sacrifice on taste and texture; they can actually boost mouthfeel and flavor perception. That gives you a competitive advantage on what primarily drives your consumers’ product purchase decision.

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Talk to a Flavor Expert

Talk to a Flavor Expert

Consumer demand for healthier products has never been more intense. From paleo, keto, and flexitarian to vegan and vegetarian, consumers are making specific lifestyle choices. While taste considerations continue to be their strongest purchasing influence, consumers are also paying close attention to the labels of the food and beverages they buy.
Julie Drainville Edlong Sensory Manager

Authentic Dairy & Dairy-Free Solutions

From baked goods, cookies, and cereal bars to savory snacks, cheeses, beverages and more, the Edlong team has a mastered the process of developing the complex flavor profiles required to deliver authentic-tasting products that meet your healthy reduction goals across a wide range of applications.

edlong flavor explorer icon

Visit our Flavor Explorer

Visit our Flavor Explorer

Our healthy reduction expertise takes all flavor considerations into account. We know if your product has reduced fat, sugar, or salt, there may be other inherent challenges to address. Our mouthfeel solutions add richness to products that have reduced-fat or sugar and help increase longevity of taste in the mouth in a way that’s similar to fat. Our savory solutions can help increase salty perception in reduced-sodium applications, and our sweet solutions can help improve sweetness perception in a variety of applications while improving mouthfeel in sugar-reduced products. This Vegan Cardamom Cold Brew Latte is just one example of how we reduce fat, sugar, or salt while improving mouthfeel, enhancing sweetness, imparting creaminess, and masking bitter off-notes.

reducing sodium
less sugar and calories

The expertise of our food and beverage sensory scientists, chefs, and applications experts is at the ready to work with you and deliver the fat, sugar, and salt healthy reduction flavor solution that suits your specific needs.

Let’s start innovating together.


Connect with a Flavor Expert

Connect with a Flavor Expert

Authentic Flavors for Every Food Application

These icons show the versatility of Edlong flavors


These flavors do not contain any known allergens. **Disclaimer- non-allergen statements will vary due to country specific regulations. Check with regulatory for country specific allergen details.

flavor Builder

Functional; These flavors offer variations for the onset and building of the flavor impact


These flavors contain no dairy, are Kosher Pareve and are suitable for plant-based dairy alternative products

heat tolerant flavor

Functional; These flavors are stable under higher temperatures throughout processing

Flavor Masking

Functional; These flavors provide masking properties to alleviate bitterness and off-notes


Functional; These flavors provide richness and mouthfeel to positively impact taste profiles

natural flavors

These flavors satisfy consumer desire for ‘No Artificial Flavors’


These flavors do not contain any added genetically modified sourced ingredient


These flavors are Organic compliant and are suitable for any organic application

replacer icon

Functional; These flavors provide performance improvement for healthy reduction and commodity replacement

Sweet Enhancer

Solutions that can help with shortening the onset of sweetness; increasing sweetness peak; reducing sweetness linger; and leveraging inherent sugar.


These flavors contain no animal, dairy, egg or honey products and are suitable for vegan applications

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