More Flavor, Less Cost: Meet ‘Cost-In-Use’

The bottom line is, your bottom line is important. Commodity reduction is key to saving on product cost from shipping and storage of ingredients to commodity costs. However, with Mintel reporting that “nearly 75% of consumers use taste as the primary guide in food choice,” it is more important now than ever to ensure that when it comes to cost savings, taste is not sacrificed.

While it used to be true that reducing commodity costs could have negative impacts on taste, the science of flavor has changed the game. That’s right – dairy can be more flavorful and less costly!

Flavors provide the classic one-two-punch of cost savings and enhanced flavor impact. Check out this example* that walks through how our ‘Cost-In-Use’ model can provide true accuracy around a product’s cost based on flavor usage levels.

*This model is only an example for illustrative purposes and does not use current commodity or flavor costs for constant accuracy which can fluctuate with the market. To get a better idea of how flavors can assist with commodity cost reduction, please reach out to our team of experts to see potential savings!

Ready to learn more about how commodity reduction without the loss of flavor impact can be applied to your products? Let’s work together! We’re ready and passionate about helping food manufacturers and food scientists take advantage of our 100+ years of experience in the dairy flavor industry.

Topics: Cheese applicationsCommodity reductionDairy flavorsDressings, Sauces, Dips
Resource Type: ArticleInfographic


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